Is it possible to deliver information promptly?
NSW Government Office of Environment and Heritage
The initiative aimed to tackle the split incentives barrier in the rental sector, where landlords and tenants often have conflicting interests regarding energy efficiency upgrades, especially solar panel installations. As a result, rental properties tend to be less energy efficient, disproportionately impacting low income tenants.
Tasked with improving the experience for landlords in the process of installing solar panels on rental properties. This involved understanding landlords' common behaviors, identifying their frustrations, and determining what makes a satisfying end to end experience. The goal was to define and ideate solutions that streamline the installation process, making it easier and less time consuming.
Conducting extensive qualitative research, including one-on-one interviews with landlords who had installed solar panels or improved their properties' efficiency, provided valuable insights. The data was analysed using affinity mapping and empathy maps, leading to the creation of personas and customer journey maps to better understand the user experience. The next step involved ideating a solution: developing a chatbot integrated into the existing website to facilitate information gathering and delivery, optimising the user experience through thoughtful information architecture and interaction design.
The chatbot was designed to serve as a time saving tool, improving user experience by providing quick answers, multiple communication options, and personalised interactions. It was created with a friendly character, a consistent tone of voice, and was designed to handle various user paths without being repetitive. The chatbot aimed to increase conversions by being an efficient communication tool, offering a blended approach with options for scheduling calls, booking appointments, or receiving information via email. This approach optimised the delivery experience, addressing the landlords' frustrations and making the solar panel installation process more accessible and less daunting.
By focusing on the landlord user journey and leveraging a blend of quantitative research, empathy, and innovative technology solutions like chatbots, the product team collaboratively and successfully addressed the split incentives barrier in the rental sector. This project illustrates how thoughtful design and technology can be utilised to make energy efficiency upgrades more appealing and accessible to landlords, ultimately benefiting tenants through reduced energy bills and contributing to a more sustainable future.